WHERE ARE YOU? Spiritual Awakening Genesis 3:8-9) 8 And they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the...
Spiritual Growth
The Significance of Seeking God: The example of David
THE SIGNIFICANCE OF SEEKING GOD: The example of David A characteristic feature of David’s biography is that he frequently sought the...
Jesus Knows
The Woman With an Awful Past and Suspicious Present John.4.1-18 Have you failed before? Have you made decisions in the past you are...

Why do We Seek God?
As imperfect human beings, we have the tendency to seek after money, fame, people, recreation,...
I Can See You Mr Flesh (Part 2)
From our last study we see that Mr. Flesh is the personality of the natural human being. We looked...
I Can See You Mr Flesh (Part1)
Last week we looked at ‘What is self?’ We said that self is ‘the natural human nature inherited at...
What is Self?
What Does It Mean to Deny Self? Last week, we saw that there is a difference between a Disciple...
Tithe: To Pay or Not To Pay?
One thing is clear, we are closer to the coming of Christ than when we first believed (Rom.13.11)....
Activate Your Password
Password can be defined as: A Secret word known only to a restricted group A private/personal tool...